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White Papers

Lifepoint is at the forefront of post-acute care technology, research and best practices. As part of this focus, we are constantly developing white papers and other educational materials.

White Papers

Lifepoint is at the forefront of post-acute care technology, research and best practices. As part of this focus, we are constantly developing white papers and other educational materials.

Behavioral Health Rehabilitation

Posts tagged “Behavioral Health”

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Effective Hybrid Partnership Models to Enhance Hospital Performance and Outcomes

Effective Hybrid Partnership Models to Enhance Hospital Performance and Outcomes

Partnership has become a leading strategy to efficiently improve quality while continuing to meet the needs of the growing medically complex patient population. However, every hospital and community is different. A one-size-fits-all partnership strategy does not exist. Partnerships can vary in model, stage of the care continuum and facility type.

5 Ways Behavioral Health Expertise Benefits Recruitment and Retention

5 Ways Behavioral Health Expertise Benefits Recruitment and Retention

Between surges caused by the pandemic, caregiver burnout and the rise of both medically complex and behavioral health patient populations, healthcare staffing has never been more challenging. A lasting solution can be achieved only by identifying the root cause of challenges around employee engagement, care efficiency and increasing turnover rates.

Addressing Behavioral Health Needs Social Graphic

Addressing Behavioral Health Needs

It should be no surprise to anyone that America’s healthcare system is experiencing a significant and increasing, need for high-quality behavioral health services. This demand – particularly the nation’s rapidly-growing aging population – is not being adequately met.

Behavioral Health: Expanding Needed Access Across Communities Social Image

Behavioral Health: Expanding Needed Access Across Communities

In order to effectively treat the 47.6 million individuals experiencing mental illness each year, hospitals must first identify one of the key contributors – location. Read this guide to discover the unique challenges and opportunities that come with behavioral health in urban and local – also referred to as community-based...

Key Strategies to Meet Growing Behavioral Health Needs Social Graphic

Key Strategies to Meet Growing Behavioral Health Needs

This guide highlights three of the ways strategic joint-venture or contract management partnership can help streamline your hospital’s behavioral health offering to meet the needs of the aging patient population both now and in the future.

Enhancing Adult Behavioral Health Outcomes: Three Advantages of Partnership

By 2030, it is estimated that nearly 14 million Americans 56 years or older will have a mental health or substance use disorder – an increase of 57 percent from 2012. This growing number has pushed behavioral health to the forefront of hospital strategic priorities.

4 Benefits of Behavioral Health Partnership for Hospital Performance

Hospitals are finding that joint-venture or contract management partnership with a dedicated behavioral health expert can be a beneficial strategy to meet the demand while also helping to optimize quality and efficiency, lower risk and improve care access.

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